The recognition of Sofia as a European Capital of Sport will contribute physical activity to become a priority in people’s lives.
- Ekaterina Dafovska, Olympic champion in biathlon
The recognition of Sofia as a European Capital of Sport will contribute physical activity to become a priority in people’s lives.
- Ekaterina Dafovska, Olympic champion in biathlon
The fact that Sofia was designated European Capital of Sport obliges us to continue the initiative and the ambitious program even after 2018
- Tereza Marinova, Olympic champion in athletics
I am glad to see how Sofia uses and builds on the experience that we gained with Antwerp as a European Capital of Sport.
- Steven De Meyer, Coordinator Antwerp 2013 European Capital of Sport
Sofia 2018 is a great opportunity to provide more options for everyone to practice sport regularly, to be active and healthy.
- Tanya Bogomilova, Olympic champion in swimming
Sofia deserves much more investment in sports events and infrastructure as conditions to improve healthy lifestyles.
- Yordanka Blagoeva, Former world record holder in high jump
We are determined to ensure sustainability and to keep promoting Sofia as a European capital of sport.
- Yordanka Fandakova, Mayor Sofia
Sofia is one of the most sporting cities in Europe with its experience and credibility in organizing major championships and tournaments.
- Stefka Kostadinova, President the Bulgarian Olympic Committee and Olympic champion in athletics
Sport contributes to good health and self-confidence, Sofia – European Capital of Sport 2018 will help to improve the quality of life in the capital.
- Rumyana Neykova, Olympic champion in rowing (Български) гребане
We are motivated to invest in sports infrastructure of the Bulgarian capital.
- Andrey Kovatchev, Member of European Parliament, President ACES Group Consultatif Européen (GCE)
Sofia – European Capital of Sport is 2018 is a great chance for young people to get acquainted with sport, to love it and to accept it as a way of life.
- Jordan Jovchev, Olympic medalist in gymnastics (Български) гимнастика
Budapest 2019
Sofia 2018
Marseille 2017
Prague 2016